
AI가 패션 디자인도 하고, 패션쇼도 한다고요? 하루가 멀다 하고 AI 프로그램들이 패션 산업에도 큰 변화를 가져오고 있습니다. AI 시대에 어떤 이는 패션 디자이너가 유망 직업이라고 하고, 어떤 이는 사라질 직업이라고 합니다. 도대체 누구 말을 들어야 할까요?

"AI 시대를 앞서가는 패션 디자이너는 AI를 활용할 줄 아는 디자이너일 것입니다."

AI가 패션 디자이너의 직무에 많은 변화를 불러올 것은 분명합니다. AI를 활용하는 방법을 미리 익히고 패션 디자인을 하는 과정에 효율적으로 활용하는 방법을 배워 AI 시대를 미리 준비하세요. 생성형 AI를 지나가는 뉴스 기사로 흘려버리지 말고, 나의 커리어와 꿈을 위해 적극 공부하세요!

"Pinterest, Chatgpt & Bard를 활용하여 아이디어 수집부터 아이디어 보드까지 업로드!"

[ 이런 내용의 수업이 진행됩니다. ]

  • 4차 산업혁명 AI 시대, 패션 디자이너 직업의 미래?

  • 패션 디자이너 직업 이해 (fashion designer's job)

  • 생성형 AI로 디자인 아이디어 모으기 (Chatgpt & Bard for Collecting ideas)

  • 핀터레스트로 디자인 아이디어 보드 만들기 (Pinterest for Idea board)

[ 이런 점이 변화됩니다! ]

  • AI에 대한 기초 지식을 쌓아 다가오는 미래 사회를 대비할 수 있어요!

  • 패션 디자이너 직업에 대해 간편한 AI 툴로 효율적으로 탐색해보면서 적성 탐색을 해볼 수 있어요!

  • AI를 패션 디자인 분야에 효율적으로 접목하는 노하우를 배울 수 있어요!

  • 나만의 아이디어 보드를 만드는 과정을 실습하여, 패션 공모전이나 포트폴로오 대비에 활용할 수 있어요!

  • 나만의 아이디어 보드를 만드는 노하우를 배워, 앞으로 스스로 포트폴리오를 구축해나갈 수 있어요!

[ 이 강의는 특히, 패션 디자이너 지망생들을 위해 초급자의 눈높이에 맞추어 진행됩니다. ]

AI 알고리즘을 이용하는 이미지 플랫폼인 핀터레스트부터, 생성형 AI 프로그램인 Chatgpt, Bard 의 기초적인 툴만 활용하여 패션 디자인 프로세스에 접목해보는 실습형 기초강의 입니다. 기초부터 차근히 따라오면 어렵지 않아요!

[ 이 강의는 이런 분들에게는 적합하지 않습니다! ]

CHATGPT, BARD, PINTEREST의 기초부터 다루는 강의이기 때문에 이 세 가지를 한 번이라도 써 보신 분들에게는 추천하지 않습니다!

예고 [심화편]에서는 이런 수업이 진행됩니다.

  • 캔바로 나만의 포트폴리오 만들기 (Canva for Portpolio)

  • 생성형 AI 로 패션 특화 서비스 개발하여 수익화하기 (Patterned AI & Leonardo AI & Midjourney for Design)


AI가 패션 디자인도 하고, 패션쇼도 한다고요? 하루가 멀다 하고 AI 프로그램들이 패션 산업에도 큰 변화를 가져오고 있습니다. AI 시대에 어떤 이는 패션 디자이너가 유망 직업이라고 하고, 어떤 이는 사라질 직업이라고 합니다. 도대체 누구 말을 들어야 할까요?

"AI 시대를 앞서가는 패션 디자이너는 AI를 활용할 줄 아는 디자이너일 것입니다."

AI가 패션 디자이너의 직무에 많은 변화를 불러올 것은 분명합니다. AI를 활용하는 방법을 미리 익히고 패션 디자인을 하는 과정에 효율적으로 활용하는 방법을 배워 AI 시대를 미리 준비하세요. 생성형 AI를 지나가는 뉴스 기사로 흘려버리지 말고, 나의 커리어와 꿈을 위해 적극 공부하세요!

"Pinterest, Chatgpt & Bard를 활용하여 아이디어 수집부터 아이디어 보드까지 업로드!"

[ 이런 내용의 수업이 진행됩니다. ]

  • 4차 산업혁명 AI 시대, 패션 디자이너 직업의 미래?

  • 패션 디자이너 직업 이해 (fashion designer's job)

  • 생성형 AI로 디자인 아이디어 모으기 (Chatgpt & Bard for Collecting ideas)

  • 핀터레스트로 디자인 아이디어 보드 만들기 (Pinterest for Idea board)

[ 이런 점이 변화됩니다! ]

  • AI에 대한 기초 지식을 쌓아 다가오는 미래 사회를 대비할 수 있어요!

  • 패션 디자이너 직업에 대해 간편한 AI 툴로 효율적으로 탐색해보면서 적성 탐색을 해볼 수 있어요!

  • AI를 패션 디자인 분야에 효율적으로 접목하는 노하우를 배울 수 있어요!

  • 나만의 아이디어 보드를 만드는 과정을 실습하여, 패션 공모전이나 포트폴로오 대비에 활용할 수 있어요!

  • 나만의 아이디어 보드를 만드는 노하우를 배워, 앞으로 스스로 포트폴리오를 구축해나갈 수 있어요!

[ 이 강의는 특히, 패션 디자이너 지망생들을 위해 초급자의 눈높이에 맞추어 진행됩니다. ]

AI 알고리즘을 이용하는 이미지 플랫폼인 핀터레스트부터, 생성형 AI 프로그램인 Chatgpt, Bard 의 기초적인 툴만 활용하여 패션 디자인 프로세스에 접목해보는 실습형 기초강의 입니다. 기초부터 차근히 따라오면 어렵지 않아요!

[ 이 강의는 이런 분들에게는 적합하지 않습니다! ]

CHATGPT, BARD, PINTEREST의 기초부터 다루는 강의이기 때문에 이 세 가지를 한 번이라도 써 보신 분들에게는 추천하지 않습니다!

예고 [심화편]에서는 이런 수업이 진행됩니다.

  • 캔바로 나만의 포트폴리오 만들기 (Canva for Portpolio)

  • 생성형 AI 로 패션 특화 서비스 개발하여 수익화하기 (Patterned AI & Leonardo AI & Midjourney for Design)


In this comprehensive masterclass, you will embark on a creative journey to learn the art of fashion design and bring your unique clothing ideas to life. Led by industry experts from Midjourney, an innovative fashion tech company, this course combines the power of AI technology and your creative vision to transform your designs into stunning realities.

Course Lessons:

01- Learn The Best Fashion Design Formatting System: Discover the most effective formatting system used in the fashion design industry. Gain a solid foundation in organizing your designs, creating sketches, and communicating your ideas clearly.

02- Magic Result with Prompt Formatting plus ChatGPT and Bard Formula: Harness the power of AI to enhance your design process. Learn how to use prompt formatting techniques with ChatGPT and the Bard formula to generate magical results and unlock your creative potential.

03- How to use Reference Images: Explore the importance of reference images in fashion design and learn effective techniques for utilizing them to enhance your designs. Discover how to gather inspiration, analyze trends, and incorporate references seamlessly into your work.

04- Harmonic Clothing Collections: Master the art of creating cohesive and harmonious clothing collections. Learn how to curate a collection with a unified theme, color palette, and aesthetic, ensuring each piece complements and enhances the overall vision.

05- More Variations and Style: Expand your repertoire of design variations and styles. Discover techniques to create diverse clothing options while maintaining your unique signature style, enabling you to cater to a wider audience.

06- Create Creative Fashion Design Clothes: Unleash your creativity and create fashion designs that push boundaries. Learn how to think outside the box, experiment with unconventional materials, and incorporate innovative elements into your garments.

07- Secret of Creating Elegant Outfits and Wedding Dresses: Dive into the secrets of creating elegant and sophisticated outfits, with a specific focus on wedding dresses. Explore design elements, fabric choices, embellishments, and tailoring techniques to achieve timeless and breathtaking results.

08- Turn Your Sketch into an Amazing Realistic Photo: Learn how to transform your fashion design sketches into realistic and captivating visuals. Discover techniques for rendering fabrics, adding texture, and creating lifelike representations of your designs.

09- Add Your Design to Your Favorite Location: Explore the art of contextualizing your designs. Learn how to visualize your clothing in various settings, such as fashion runways, editorial shoots, or virtual environments, enhancing their impact and showcasing their full potential.

10- Fix Any Image Prompting by Using the System: Develop problem-solving skills to overcome any challenges you may encounter during the design process. Learn how to utilize the system effectively to troubleshoot and refine your designs, ensuring they align with your vision.

Why Students Should Watch This Course:

  1. Comprehensive Skill Development: This masterclass covers a wide range of topics, providing students with a holistic understanding of fashion design, from foundational principles to advanced techniques.

  2. Fusion of AI and Creativity: By combining AI technology with your creative abilities, this course offers a unique opportunity to leverage the power of automation while maintaining artistic expression, resulting in extraordinary designs.

  3. Industry-Insider Knowledge: Led by experts from Midjourney, a renowned fashion tech company, this course provides insights into industry standards, trends, and best practices, equipping students with valuable insider knowledge.

  4. Practical Application: Each lesson offers practical exercises and real-world examples, enabling students to immediately apply what they learn and refine their skills through hands-on experience.

  5. Personalized Learning Experience: The course encourages individual creativity and tailors the learning experience to meet students' unique interests and design preferences, fostering their personal growth as fashion designers.

  6. Versatility and Adaptability: The skills acquired in this masterclass are applicable


In this comprehensive masterclass, you will embark on a creative journey to learn the art of fashion design and bring your unique clothing ideas to life. Led by industry experts from Midjourney, an innovative fashion tech company, this course combines the power of AI technology and your creative vision to transform your designs into stunning realities.

Course Lessons:

01- Learn The Best Fashion Design Formatting System: Discover the most effective formatting system used in the fashion design industry. Gain a solid foundation in organizing your designs, creating sketches, and communicating your ideas clearly.

02- Magic Result with Prompt Formatting plus ChatGPT and Bard Formula: Harness the power of AI to enhance your design process. Learn how to use prompt formatting techniques with ChatGPT and the Bard formula to generate magical results and unlock your creative potential.

03- How to use Reference Images: Explore the importance of reference images in fashion design and learn effective techniques for utilizing them to enhance your designs. Discover how to gather inspiration, analyze trends, and incorporate references seamlessly into your work.

04- Harmonic Clothing Collections: Master the art of creating cohesive and harmonious clothing collections. Learn how to curate a collection with a unified theme, color palette, and aesthetic, ensuring each piece complements and enhances the overall vision.

05- More Variations and Style: Expand your repertoire of design variations and styles. Discover techniques to create diverse clothing options while maintaining your unique signature style, enabling you to cater to a wider audience.

06- Create Creative Fashion Design Clothes: Unleash your creativity and create fashion designs that push boundaries. Learn how to think outside the box, experiment with unconventional materials, and incorporate innovative elements into your garments.

07- Secret of Creating Elegant Outfits and Wedding Dresses: Dive into the secrets of creating elegant and sophisticated outfits, with a specific focus on wedding dresses. Explore design elements, fabric choices, embellishments, and tailoring techniques to achieve timeless and breathtaking results.

08- Turn Your Sketch into an Amazing Realistic Photo: Learn how to transform your fashion design sketches into realistic and captivating visuals. Discover techniques for rendering fabrics, adding texture, and creating lifelike representations of your designs.

09- Add Your Design to Your Favorite Location: Explore the art of contextualizing your designs. Learn how to visualize your clothing in various settings, such as fashion runways, editorial shoots, or virtual environments, enhancing their impact and showcasing their full potential.

10- Fix Any Image Prompting by Using the System: Develop problem-solving skills to overcome any challenges you may encounter during the design process. Learn how to utilize the system effectively to troubleshoot and refine your designs, ensuring they align with your vision.

Why Students Should Watch This Course:

  1. Comprehensive Skill Development: This masterclass covers a wide range of topics, providing students with a holistic understanding of fashion design, from foundational principles to advanced techniques.

  2. Fusion of AI and Creativity: By combining AI technology with your creative abilities, this course offers a unique opportunity to leverage the power of automation while maintaining artistic expression, resulting in extraordinary designs.

  3. Industry-Insider Knowledge: Led by experts from Midjourney, a renowned fashion tech company, this course provides insights into industry standards, trends, and best practices, equipping students with valuable insider knowledge.

  4. Practical Application: Each lesson offers practical exercises and real-world examples, enabling students to immediately apply what they learn and refine their skills through hands-on experience.

  5. Personalized Learning Experience: The course encourages individual creativity and tailors the learning experience to meet students' unique interests and design preferences, fostering their personal growth as fashion designers.

  6. Versatility and Adaptability: The skills acquired in this masterclass are applicable